Nomadic Life Camp On-Line Weather Services Desert Music

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Discovering desert

At the camp you will be able to spend one day; or just to drink glass of tea, to have  lunch or diner, even spend whole the night. It is possible to make a trip by camel or by four x four fore one hour or more.
    The camp is the starting point for a thorough discovery of the desert. Trips of one at several days with dromedaries or by 4x4 or with both.
which will enable you to apprehend this variable vastness: dunes sand, grounds released, oasis ...... as well as nomadic life.

You will know the legendary history of stars for the nomads during their night displacements movements.
You will taste and appreciate the nomadic meals (couscous, tagines, harira, sand bread: mela bred (bread cooked in sand without any sand grain remaining!), tea prepared on the wood fire.
You will sing with us the songs which can an inspiration in the everyday life of nomad which speaks about solidarity, fraternity and hospitality….
    To discover the desert is to heard and to listen to silence, to discover calms it and to be discovered oneself. Like said nomad philosoph: “Silence is the governor of the desert”. The desert is full with life but rare are those ho discover its secrecy.

HUMAN ASPECT “Nomads helpings aides:

The human aspect plays a great part in the life of the nomads peoples; population isolated and marginalised by the government.
    We have for the concretization of this help and in collaboration

with Nomadic Life Association: Help and Support for the local Population Nomad’s and farmer’s in Area of M’hamid Elghizlane “association creates by us and other foreigner friends”, the logistical support and human and material resources.

Association’s objectives are (related) concerned to several (many)
several fields of which the principal ones:

- health, education and schooling, drought, social and cultural life, environment and tourism.

Association has as a first goal the local development but it can also take part in the regional, national and why not-even- international development. Moreover, association will study all projects or ideas being able to help this isolated area.

We are very grateful if you have too ideas, we can play an intermediate role.